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The effect of ban on wheat exports on the international market

India has banned the export of wheat. It has also affected the international market. After the ban on export of wheat from India, the biggest impact can be on those countries, where more wheat was exported than India. India is the second largest producer of wheat. Despite this, not much wheat is exported, as a large part of it is consumed within the country itself.
Major countries importing wheat from India:
Country Dollars
Bangladesh 299.47
Nepal 83.23
UAE 51
Sri Lanka 24.73
Afghanistan 19.03
Queue 16.75
Indonesia 15.29
Oman 8.37
Malaysia 2.54
Reduction in government wheat procurement
According to Food Ministry Data, government procurement of wheat this year (2022 - 23) is estimated to be 19.50 million tonnes, less than half of what it was last year (2021 - 22).
Details of procurement of wheat in the central pool in the last five years:
# वर्ष Procurement of wheat (In lakh metric tons)
1 2017-18 308.24
2 2018-19 357.95
3 2019-20 341.32
4 2020-21 389.92
5 2021-22 433.44
Storage Capacity for Central Pool Stock
In addition to its storage capacity, FCI (Food Corporation of India) has also hired storage space from Central Warehousing Corporations, State Warehousing Corporations, State Agencies and Private Parties under the Short Term and Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee Scheme. The construction of new godowns by the Food Corporation of India is mainly being done through private participation under the Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee Scheme.
The list of storage capacity for the last ten years as on 1st April is as follows: -
Year In Lakh Metric Tons
Storage Capacity with FCI Storage Capacity with FCI Storage Capacity with FCI
2012 336.04 341.36 677.39
2013 377.35 354.28 731.63
2014 368.90 379.18 748.08/td>
2015 356.63 352.59 709.22
2016 357.89 456.95 814.84
2017 352.71 420.22 772.93
2018 362.50 480.53 843.03
2019 388.65 467.03 855.68
2020 412.03 343.91 755.94
2021 414.70 403.26 817.96
Keywords: Wheat, Exports, DGCIS, Ministry of Food, Procurement of Wheat, Food Corporation of India, Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee Scheme, Storage Capacity.

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